Faogen 3 pre-release version available
May 21 2014
New version of Faogen is finally here. Just a pre-release for now, but soon it will become stable and fully featured.
This update (and all future Faogen 3 builds) is free for all existing Faogen users. Go try it!
And now Faogen is moved to its own website: www.faogen.com
FBX i/o plugin for Faogen
March 13 2013
Hello dear faogen users. Much time has passed since the last update of the program and it may seem that Faogen is abandoned. But this is not the case, after a long break a new version development is resumed. Watch out for the new and improved Faogen. And in the meantime, as a bonus, the current version adds support for FBX format.
Faogen 2.0 preview now allow input/output of FBX files. Per-vertex ambient occlusion can be saved directly as vertex colors.
3dsmax script for Faogen
October 15 2010
New version of 3dsmax script for Faogen by Sebastien Larrue.
- Full refactoring (3.0)
- Modified all import\export process to avoid error and problems with duplicate name objects
- Added "use all environments objects" mode . All unselected but visible objects cast will cast AO but will not receive it
- Added faogen AO render option "Use hemisphere mode"
- Fixed "read AO" function. AO was erroneous in 3dsmax
- No more executable is needed
3dsmax script for Faogen
May 25 2009
New version of 3dsmax script for ambient occlusion baking with Faogen is available.
Thanks to Sebastien Larrue.
GLSL grapher
February 07 2009
GLSL grapher, freeware tool for exploring GLSL functions graphs, has been released.
Graphics programming blog launched
November 16 2008
rusted dreams graphics programming blog launched. It will contain useful code snippets and algorithms descriptions.
Faogenlib v2.0
August 15 2008
Faogenlib has been updated. This version adds features, which was introduced in latest versions of Faogen application: precision optimization for large-scale scenes and ability to calculate bent normals in addition to ambient occlusion.
All existing customers get this update for free.
Faogen v2.0
July 17 2008
Faogen v2.0 preview.
Fast Ambient Occlusion Generator. Use your video card GPU to compute ambient occlusion really fast.
Support both texture and per-vertex calculation.
This version provide updated ambient aperture and bent normals shaders with ability to customize them. Other features include improved precision on large scale models, adjustable background for AO texture images, lighting animation control and few bugfixes.
Faogen v1.9
June 11 2008
Faogen v1.9 preview.
This version contains preview of new AO calculation feature: bent normals. It can be used in many dynamic lighting models from regular fixed-function lighting with bent normals to more advanced like ambient aperture lighting.
Faogen v1.7
August 9 2007
Faogen updated to v1.7.
Fast Ambient Occlusion Generator. Use your video card GPU to compute ambient occlusion really fast.
Support both texture and per-vertex calculation.
This version is a bugfix release before Faogen 2.0.
New in 1.7 version:
- Features from 2.0 beta: alpha-test transparency, OBJE geometry format, different image formats
- Fixed bug with geometry merging
- Fixed problem with importing OBJ, saved by 3dsmax
- Fixed few bugs causing crashes on some systems
Lightwave script for Faogen
December 24 2006
FaoGenLWEd is a LScript for Lightwave that renders AO through command line within Lightwave using the Faogen.
Thanks to Lamont Gilkey.
New MEL script for Faogen
December 22 2006
FaoGen Render is a Mel Script for Maya that renders AO through command line within Maya using the Faogen.
Thanks to Lamont Gilkey.
Faogen v2.0 beta
December 19 2006
Faogen 2.0 beta update.
Faogen 2.0 beta is updated. This 2.0 beta update adds support for many different image formats. Generated ambient occlusion texture now can be saved as .PNG, .TGA, .JPG or .TIF. And much more formats allowed for alpha-test textures.
Faogen v2.0 beta
December 13 2006
Faogen 2.0 beta version.
Faogen 2.0 beta is available.
New in 2.0 beta:
- Support for alpha-tested transparency for geometry
- Extended OBJ (.obje extension) format plugin for allowing geometry multiple UV channels
- Few interface improvements and bugfixes
For alpha test .obj (or .obje) files should have associated .mtl file with map_Kd
records for alpha textured materials. Look in "C:\Program Files\Rusted Dreams Faogen\example\"
for alpha.obje
and alpha.mtl
as example.
This beta version can only load .png textures, but next versions will support .tga and some over formats.
Now about extended obj (.obje):
It is created to allow use different UV channels for alpha-test texture and generated AO texture. It contains additional vt2
records for storing texcoords, which are used for alpha-test map.
Face records now look like this:
f v/vt/vn/vt2 v/vt/vn/vt2 v/vt/vn/vt2 ...
- v - vertex position index,
- vt - texcoord index for AO map
- vn - normal index
- vt2 - texcoord index for alpha-test map.
If your OBJ file didn't contain normals, face records will look like v/vt//vt2
3D flower screensaver v1.2
July 10 2006
Flower Screensaver updated to v1.2.
A beautiful red rose lying on the stones at the shore of some dreamy lake. Who brought it here? Maybe it waits for someone?
Version 1.2 fixes problems with non-playing music on some systems.
MEL script for Faogen
June 13 2006
MEL script for automating Faogen use from Maya available.
Thanks to Alex Carbonero.
Faogen v1.6
June 12 2006
Faogen updated to v1.6.
Fast Ambient Occlusion Generator. Use your video card GPU to compute ambient occlusion really fast.
Support both texture and per-vertex calculation.
New in 1.6 version:
- Hemisphere mode to simulate lighting from sky
- Few interface improvements and bugfixes
Faogen v1.5.1
May 9 2006
Faogen updated to v1.5.1.
Version 1.5.1 is a fix for bug which caused in black AO textures on some NVIDIA cards.
Faogen v1.5
April 21 2006
Faogen updated to v1.5.
New in 1.5 version:
- Faogen remembers object options from previous scene session
- Object options setup can be saved as preset and applied later
- Merge command now allows selecting multiple files at once
Faogen v1.4.2
April 12 2006
Faogen updated to v1.4.2.
Version 1.4.2 fixes bug with changing current directory if run not from installation folder and few small improvements in Faogenbatch.
April 1 2006
Faogenlib has been released.
Library for fast ambient occlusion generation. Same algorithm is used in Faogen application.
Faogen v1.4
March 1 2006
Faogen updated to v1.4.
New in 1.4 version:
- FaogenBatch - command-line utility for automating ambient occlusion baking
- Source code for FaogenBatch C# application, so you can modify it for your needs
- Site License allows use of Faogen on any number of computers inside one organisation
Faogen v1.3
February 21 2006
Faogen updated to v1.3.
New in 1.3 version:
- Fixed bug with incorrect interpretation of smooth-groups in loaded scene
- Export scene with materials, which contain ambient occlusion data - for both OBJ and LWO exporters
- Added possibility to enable filtering for ambient occlusion textures
Faogen v1.2
February 10 2006
Faogen updated to v1.2.
New in 1.2 version:
- LWO IO plugin
- Increases maximum size of generated texture on NVIDIA cards
Faogen v1.1
January 13 2006
Faogen updated to v1.1.
New in 1.1 version:
- Improved quality of generated AO maps
- Object selection by picking them with mouse in viewport
- Increased speed of loading high polygonal objects
- Better UI allows to re-generate AO only for selected objects
Faogen v1.0
January 2 2006
Faogen has been released.
3D flower screensaver v1.1
September 28 2005
Flower Screensaver updated to v1.1.
New in 1.1 version:
- Added render path for older NVIDIA cards
- Better performance
- Gamma correction
3D flower screensaver v1.0
September 22 2005
Flower Screensaver has been released.